Greek writers


Aeschylus was a Greek playwright. He was born in 525 BC (Eleusina in Attica) and died in 456 BC (Gela in Sicily). He was one of the first great playwrights.

Aeschylus was the son of the wealthy landowner Euphorion of Eleusina. He later became a soldier and took part in the Greco-Persian Wars. He took part, among other things, in the battles of Marathon and Salamis. He was a very pious man and a supporter of democracy.

Aeschylus is considered the founder of ancient tragedy, introducing the second actor and thus becoming the creator of the European dramatic tradition. His works drew mostly on mythology, but he also occasionally focused on history (Persians). His heroes are Greek warriors and soldiers. The basic feature of tragedy, according to him, is human action full of danger, which every moment brings man into impasse situations in which the same act is a necessity, a duty, a merit but at the same time the greatest fault.

Aeschylus used a solemn language full of poetic turns and new forms. He also used various costumes, decorations and masks to enhance the popularity of the plays.

He wrote 90 tragedies, but only 7 have survived in their entirety. The most famous of these is called the Oresteia (parts of which are Agamemnon, Choephoras, Eumenides). Other important works include The Persians, The Supplication, The Seven Against Thebes, and The Bound Prometheus. The entire 72 works are known only by name.

According to legend, an eagle, regarding his bare skull as a stone, dropped a turtle on his head.

The planet 2876 Aeschylus is named after Aeschylus.