Greek philosophers

Bias of Priene

Bias of Priene was a Greek philosopher, lawyer and judge who was born in 620 BC in Priene and died in 550 BC. He is ranked among the Seven Sages of archaic Greece, and was even considered the most important of them by Satyros of Callades.

When Bias of Priene served as a judge, his "Priene justice" was considered by Hippo of Ephesus as a model for all of Greece. Bias was also a mentor. Even the Sardinian autocrat Kroisos came to him for advice. He is said to have made peace with the Greek cities on the coast of Asia Minor.

Bias left no written record. But much is known of his views. He was very sceptical, for example, saying that most people are bad. He was also a representative thinker with an emphasis on piety, temperance, good manners, etc. He was also very charitable. For example, he redeemed captive girls (from Messina) from slavery. He then brought them up with his daughters and then sent them and their dowries back to their parents.

When Priene was attacked by the Persians, all the inhabitants fled and tried to take as many valuables as possible. Only Bias carried nothing, because he said he carried everything important with him. He considered knowledge to be important.