

In Greek mythology, Themis is a Titaness who was the daughter of Uranus and Gaia (according to the Olympian myth), or was the daughter of Eurynome and Ophion (according to the Pelasgian myth). She represented the goddess of lawful order among men and also in nature.

Her siblings were the Titans Okeanos, Koios, Krios, Hyperion, Íapetos, Kronos, and the Titans Theia, Rheia, Foibé, Theia and Téthys.

She had two daughters with Zeus. The first was named Horus (goddess of the natural and social order) and the second was Moira (goddess of fate). She is also sometimes cited as the mother of Epimetheus (his father was Íapetos), while other sources state that his mother was Clymene.

If Themis was overlooked, then Nemesis (justice and retribution) stepped in.