
Home -Greek mythology -Titans -Mnémosyné


In Greek mythology, Mnémosyné represents the Titaness who was the daughter of Uranus and Gaia (according to the Olympian myth) or was the daughter of Eurynome and Ophion (according to the Pelasgian myth). She is also the personification of memory and recollection.

Her siblings were the Titans Okeanos, Koios, Kríos, Hyperíón, Íapetos, Kronos and the Titans Theia, Rheia, Foibé, Themis and Téthys.

With Zeus she had nine daughters, who were called Muses, and were goddesses of the beautiful arts and sciences.

According to some sources, one of the rivers in the realm of the dead was named Mnémosyné, which was the opposite of the river Léthé. Dead souls drinking from the river Léthé forgot their previous lives after their reincarnation, unlike those who drank from the river Mnémosyné. It was therefore recommended to drink from the other river.