Greek writers


Euripides was a Greek playwright, poet and philosopher. He was born in 480 BC (Salamis) and died in 406 BC (Pella).

Euripides has treated traditional myths in an original way, revealing the psychology of individual heroes, especially women. It is their emotions that ultimately absorb the characters. In his works he also criticized the current problems in Athens or opposed traditional moral and religious ideas. This is also why politics was a great source of inspiration in his plays. The gods in his plays act like mortals, but their qualities are magnified. The gods here often appear as negative characters. Women predominate in the leading roles.

Because of divination, Euripides was drawn to athletics from his youth, as he was destined to win races. Although Eurípides wrestled quite successfully, he eventually turned to drama. His teacher was to be Anaxagoras. Throughout his life his work was criticized, especially by his contemporaries (Sophocles and Aristophanes). He was often ridiculed for his private life as well, as he was married twice and both wives were said to have been unfaithful to him. Also for this reason he was considered a misogynist. He lived in seclusion and solitude in his favourite cave at Salamis, where he wrote most of his tragedies.

Because of the ridicule, Euripides decided to go to Athens to the court of the Macedonian king Archellas. Here, however, he died after being attacked by dogs, which tore him apart on his return from a feast.

Of his 92 plays, only 18 tragedies and 1 satyr drama survive.