Greek heroes and characters


Europa was the daughter of King Agenor and his wife Thelephassa and had five brothers (named Cadmus, Foiníx, Kilix, Phineus and Thasos). In Greek mythology, Europa is famous for being so beautiful that Zeus himself fell in love with her.

Zeus knew that Europa frequented the pastures of the king's flocks. So he turned into a tame white bull with little horns. As soon as Europa saw him, she handed him a tuft of grass and began to stroke him. The bull urged her to mount, which she couldn't resist. Eventually they moved to the sea and paddled along the edge. At an unguarded moment, however, the bull entered the sea. Europa cried out in vain for help until she and the bull reached the island of Crete. On this island, the bull became Zeus again.

Europa and Zeus then had three sons together, who were Minos (King of Crete), Sarpedon (King of Lycia) and Rhadamanthys (member of the underworld tribunal). Later, Europa married Asterius, king of Crete.

When King Agenor learned of his daughter's abduction, he immediately sent her brothers to find Europa and not return home without her. In the end, no one returned. Interestingly, while searching for Europa, her brother Cadmus founded the city of Thebes.