Gods of Olympus


In Greek mythology, Hera is the goddess of marriage and birth. She was the daughter of the titan Kronos and the titaness Rhea.

After her birth, Kronos devoured her, as well as her siblings (Hades, Demeter, Hestia, Poseidon, Zeus), so that she could not overpower him in the future and usurp his rule. Her youngest brother Zeus, however, escaped the devouring and eventually defeated Cronus. Hera became the wife of her brother Zeus, who deceived her by turning into a cuckoo.

Hera was very jealous of her husband Zeus, especially because of his many mistresses. For example, she pursued Zeus's mistress, the goddess Leto, so much so that she asked the earth goddess Gaia for help. Gaia was to ensure that Leto would find no place on earth where she could bear her children. But this was not enough for Hera, who sent the serpent Python to kill her. However, Létó was saved on the island of Délos, which was cut off from the land (so Gaia had no power there), and moreover, as soon as Létó entered the island, rocks were thrust out of the sea, which stopped Python. Poseidon, the ruler of the seas, then anchored the island to the seabed. But Hera was very determined, and so she still tried at the last moment to prevent the birth by concealing it from the goddess of happy births, Eileithyia. However, the goddess Iris came to the rescue and told Eileithyia about the birth. Leto subsequently gave birth to Apollo, god of the sun and light, and Artemis, goddess of the hunt.

Furthermore, Hera, for example, turned Callisto into a bear because Zeus fell in love with her.

Hera never forgave Heracles for being the son of Zeus. But when Heracles died, he and Hera reconciled. Subsequently, Heracles married Hébé (who was Hera's daughter).

The goddess's most beloved children include Hephaestus (god of fire and smithing), Ares (god of war), Hébé (goddess of eternal youth and spring), and Eileithyia (goddess of childbirth).

A gossipy interesting fact is that for Hera, the peacock was a sacred bird.